Ultrasound Campaign

Ultrasound Campaign

sponsored by Knights of Columbus

The Knight of Columbus, Council 4204 at St. Theresa Catholic church, in their commitment to the preservation of life at all stages is leading an Ultrasound Campaign.  The Ultrasound campaign is to raise money toward the purchase one ultrasound machine to be placed in a Pregnancy Care Center.  Studies have shown that when a mother-to-be see her child in her womb, she is more likely to choose to give life to her child rather than abort the child. 

 We are asking for your help in raising the money needed to purchase the ultrasound machine.  Donations are tax deductible and can be made in several ways:

 Mail in Donations: 

  1. Print form in this link – Tax Form
  2. Make check payable to: KC 4204
  3. Mail form and check to: Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund,  PO Box 1961,  New Haven, CT  06509
  4. Or give the form and check to a Knight and we will mail it for you.

 Online DonationsClick Here

 Donate in Person: Donations can be made in person at St Theresa church after each mass on the first Sunday of the month.  There will be a group outside the church that will take your donations.  Be sure you bring a filled out form if you would like to claim a tax deduction for your donation.

 Donate Stocks, property, or any non-standard donation: Please email either Dan Rega danrega4204@gmail.com or Chris Spiers spierscw@yahoo.com for instructions.

Your assistance in helping save unborn lives is greatly appreciated.